Posted by Agus ramadhani

eBOOK Kiat Sukses Promosi Blog

Kontes seo "kampanye damai pemilu indonesia 2009" tinggal menghitung hari..10 hari ini saya mencoba sekuat apa pengaruh backlink pada keyword..kalo ada yang mau bantu dukung om bisa memasang link ini di blog masing2. Silahkan copy-paste kode dibawah, thanks banget atas dukunganya :).

Posted by Agus ramadhani

Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009

Dalam buku elektornik ini anda juga akan menemukan kiat sukses dan point penting dalam kegiatan promosi blog serta bagaimana etika promosi yang terkandung didalamnya. Untuk kedepan eBook ini tidak saya gratiskan lagi dan tentu saja materinya lebih berbobot dari Free Edition. Jadi segera download dan pastikan anda pertama yang membacanya.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Combating Computer Espionage

In some cases, spies and covert operations are found in war grounds or politically tense regions. Now however, you can find spies and covert operations running undetected within your personal computer system as you use your computer and the Internet.

Have you noticed a suspicious slow down of your computer's processing without any particular reason? Are you bombarded by unsolicited pop up ads that indiscriminately appear whether you are running a program or not? These symptoms may continue to happen despite checking your system and running your recently updated anti virus program to run diagnostics on your computer.


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Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Difference of Adware, Spyware and Anti-virus

Adware, spyware and computer virus share some similarities, one of which is that all three are major nuisances for computer users. Let's differentiate the three.

Spyware is software that does not intentionally harm your computer. What they do is that they create pathways wherein someone else aside from the computer owner can communicate with the computer. Normally spywares record the various types of web sites you visit which are later used by web advertisers to allow them to send you unwanted emails and pop-ups.


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